Closed Circuit TV Monitoring
Closed Circuit TV monitoring, or CCTV monitoring is a common service often associated with the private security industry. Our security officers can remotely monitor your property and assets either on site where your security camera footage feeds into or off site at a different location.
CCTV monitoring is often paired with roving patrols of either armed or unarmed security officers on foot. Clients with large buildings or campuses like office buildings, multi-unit apartment complexes, or industrial facilities require extensive security monitoring both visually and electronically with CCTV.
Organizations that utilize our CCTV monitoring services are provided an essential security advantage since the area that can be monitored is significantly greater than what a single officer on a patrol can observe for himself. Even just one security officer monitoring several different security camera feeds can be extremely cost effective for clients with large properties that need to be protected.
Our officers who monitor the CCTV feeds at client sites are able to dispatch other officers on the property to address any security breaches or incidents. Another added benefit clients can rely on is that our security officers monitoring the CCTV feeds can also request additional assistance from other armed Sentry Force Security officers in the area nearby. With our network of mobile armed security supervisors throughout the region available at a moment's notice, all clients can be assured they are safest when partnering with Sentry Force Security.